Desiccated Coconut

We can supply you Desiccated Coconut (Coconut Powder) from Indonesia.

The Specifications:
Color: White
Flavor: Mild and sweet characteristic of coconut, Free from foreign flavors and odors
Grade Available: Medium, Fine and Extra Fine

Fat Centent: High Fat, 65% ± 5% | Low Fat, 48% ± 3%
Free Fatty Acid: 0.15% Maximum (as oleic acid)
Moisture: 3.0% Maximum
Ph: 6.0 – 6.7
Residual SO2: 50 ppm maximum
Capacity up to 10 Tons per month

The details of prices will be provided after a specific request from you and mention the port of discharge.
Jayakarya Nusantara.
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